When a president of the United States jumped out of an airplane to celebrate his 85th birthday, it said a lot about how safe and fun this thrill of a lifetime has become! The president was George H. W. Bush, our 41st president of the United States. And he made a tandem jump from 10,500 feet over Kennebunkport, Maine where he has a summer home in tandem with a member of the US Army’s Golden Knights parachute team.
And, believe it or not, this once cutting edge sport has evolved into being a mainstream sport enjoyed by grandmothers, girl friends, and first timers galore. Skydiving has become another San Diego attraction not to miss.
You’ll be amazed at how may people have put sky diving on their to do list, of jumping out of an airplane at 13,000 feet above sea level on a beautiful sunny southern California day. You’ll get a big rush of having the wind in your face and breathtaking views of the ocean and the land below you with Skydive San Diego. This is another major San Diego attraction not to miss, be it as a skydiver or as a spectator.
So if you’re looking for the thrill of a lifetime or the perfect way to celebrate a milestone birthday all rolled into one incredible experience – you’re in the right city because Skydive San Diego is the premiere skydiving company in the industry.
This popular sport is experienced by thousands of enthusiasts and first timers daily throughout the world. Yet, believe it or not, southern California is everybody’s favorite spot to enjoy this popular sport.
The turning point in the popularity of this sport took a major leap forward with the advent of tandem jumping for first time jumpers. This term literally means being harnessed together with an experienced jumper with an experienced instructor who has jumped out of an airplane hundreds of times.
Rest assured at Skydive San Diego their seasoned professionals will make sure that long before you board the plane you’ll receive lots of on-the-ground coaching and instructions from their team of seasoned professionals. Skydive San Diego will provide you with all of the essential details and instructions you’ll need to follow to make your sky diving adventure smooth and enjoyable.
And with the popularity of the sport, Skydive San Diego has invested in purchasing new, custom build airplanes called jump ships that have revolutionized the industry. So you won’t be the only person jumping. Some planes hold up to 23 jumpers at a time, which opens the door to the opportunity of jumping with your buddies. Yes, lots of first timers do it on a dare and that means you’re jumping for sure with your friends. No matter what the circumstances are that get you to make your first jump, most jumpers are repeat jumpers.
The obvious appeal to being a repeat jumper is the sudden rush of free falling thousands of feet a second through the beautiful clear sky on a sunny southern California day. And as a first time jumper you’ll have the comfort zone of being in tandem with a seasoned sky diving instructor with hundreds of jumping experience behind them.
Your instructor will be the one who pulls the parachute cord to open at the right moment. And they will maneuver the parachute so that you glide to a safe landing. And moments later your friends will be greeting you with shouts of joy and laughter.
And practically every first time jumper has a video made of their first jump, which is a priceless souvenir that you and your friends can enjoy seeing over and over again. And nobody jumps without having their friends either making their first jump with you or watching from the ground. So having a video of your sky diving experience is an absolute must you’ll want to share with your friends!
San Diego’s premier sky diving company in southern California just happens to be right here in sunny San Diego. It’s aptly named Skydive San Diego, Inc. It’s located minutes from downtown San Diego at 13531 Otay Lakes Rd. with an official address of being in Jamul, but it’s actually best described as being located just East of Chula Vista, off of the 805 Freeway (619-216-8416).
Being freeway close is a great appeal for making Skydive San Diego your favorite place for sky diving, because most sky diving locations are literally an hour or more away in remote places and when you jump you’ll be miles from the airport and a vehicle will have to come pick you up in a deserted field and drive you back to the airport, which is not the case with Skydive San Diego.
Your friends on the ground can see and film your decent from comfortable chairs at the airport. And when you touch ground they’ll be the first ones to greet you.
And speaking of soft landings, with an instructor hitched up to you, you’ll glide to the ground like a dove. With the advent of small hand held video cameras or even your smart phone, you can record the event for posterity.
Plus, Skydive San Diego offers the luxury of sky diving from their own modern state of the art Twin Otter and Cessna Caravan airplanes, which are designed for skydiving. No other parachute center in the world has newer planes than Skydive San Diego.
Skydive San Diego Inc. is a full service skydiving company a top-of-the-line facility with multiple training buildings, a bunkhouse, deluxe packing lofts, a grass landing area, a nice barbecue deck and patio where you and your friends can celebrate your and their experience. The incredible scenery is hard to match!
The greatest appeal for choosing Skydive San Diego is because it is freeway close, has top-notch instructors with years of experience, offers the newest planes that are equipped to take up to nearly two dozen jumpers up at a time, depart and land from their own airfield, and best of all jumpers will be landing at the airfield where they took off. So jumpers and their friends, on the ground, can watch and record the decent. Then it’s party time on their barbecue deck and patio or at a nearby restaurant.
It’s no wonder that Skydive San Diego is yet another major San Diego attraction not to miss be it as a skydiver or getting out to their freeway close airport to enjoy watching skydivers glide effortlessly to the ground or taking a leap yourself. Skydive San Diego is located in Chula Vista off of the 805 Freeway. You exit and go east on Telegraph Road that turns into Otay Lakes Road. And continue going east to Skydive San Diego’s own airport at 13531 Otay Lakes Rd. (619-216-8416).
Skydive San Diego hosts the newest, safest, and largest jumpships in the skydiving industry. Our flagship Twin Otter holds 23 jumpers, and our Cessna Caravan holds 12 jumpers, allowing you the opportunity to jump with your friends. No other parachute center in the world has newer planes than Skydive San Diego!
Skydive San Diego, Inc. is a full-service skydiving facility with multiple training buildings, a bunkhouse, deluxe packing lofts, a grass landing area, a BBQ deck and patio, and incredible scenery to match! Unlike some outfits that will depart a public airport and land you in a field miles away requiring a van ride back to your friends, Skydive San Diego is set up to takeoff and land right in the same place, where your friends can watch!