Schools for Gifted Children
Schools for gifted children are rare indeed. Fortunately, San Diego is blessed with such a school. It’s The Renaissance Village Academy. It’s located in the suburb of Scripps Ranch at 10625 Scripps Ranch Blvd., Suite A, (858-564-9622)
If your gifted child is bored at school, and getting homework done is a struggle every day, you need to look at this excellent opportunity for an academic alternative. Certified teachers will provide the attention your child needs, and follow a program that will stimulate intellectual growth and fulfillment of potential.
The mission of Renaissance Village Academy is to provide gifted, profoundly gifted, and highly motivated students with the experiences and knowledge they will need to be successfully navigating the complexities of the world from an international perspective.
They will be guided to develop compassion and tolerance through a study of other languages and cultures. RVA students will be taught in a way that recognizes their intellectual gifts while acknowledging that they are still maturing. The enthusiasm their teachers have for learning will provide them with role models for becoming life-long learners themselves.
RVA serves the needs of gifted, profoundly gifted, and highly-motivated students beginning at Kinder, all the way through 8th grade, open to qualified children of any race, color, nationality, or religion.
The admissions process is designed to help both families and the school learn as much as possible about applicants in order to make a strong, informed decision on behalf of each child.
The admissions process should also give families ample time and opportunity to learn about RVA’s curriculum and programs, to complete application requirements and to consider admissions decisions.