A visit to Old Town would not be complete without visiting the Four Winds Trading Company. Expect to be dazzled with their museum quality Native American arts, crafts and jewelry showcased at this wonderful store. Owner Carol Di Bene carefully hand selects the finest collection of museum quality art found anywhere. Finding meaningful, lasting items is her goal. Thus, you can trust that you are purchasing authentic items that will be true treasures.
The quality and selection are breathtaking. See dynamic oil paintings by well–known artists such as Robert Redbird, George Molner and Howard Terpning to exquisite eye-catching handmade silver and turquoise jewelry by Native Americans from the Isleta Pueblo, the Navajo Reservation, Santo Domingo Pueblo, Kumeyaay, Zuni and Cherokee tribes.
Plus, they have sand paintings, Kachinas, carved fetishes, dream catchers, beautiful baskets and more. Hard to miss are the one-of-a-kind hand painted pottery from the San Ildefonso Pueblo Indians, Jemez Pueblo, Hopi, Laguna, Cochiti and Acoma Indian tribes.
Over the years they have also featured many renowned artists in gallery showings. This allows the artists to meet the collectors/buyers, and the collectors/buyers can meet the artists. It provides a great opportunity to watch and follow the growth of an artist. Many of their artists are winners at the Santa Fe Indian Market which is held every August in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
They offer art for all seasoned collectors and keep in touch with buyers. They enjoy nurturing the collections of their customers, and will stay on the lookout for anything new that will be a great addition to their collection.
You can now browse their collection online, and begin your collection or find the piece of art that’s a perfect fit for your home or office.