San Diego is Topped Ranked in the Nation for the Most species of Birds here in the winter
A great way to see this miracle of nature up close is to join a bird watching club. A good one operated by the Mission Trails Regional Park is the Mission Trails Resident Birdwatcher Club. After only a few walks, you’ll likely become an expert in identifying the many species of birds that flock to San Diego annually, especially in the winter months.
The Mission Trails Visitor Center is located north east of Mission Valley along Mission Gorge Road (619-663-3281) [mtrp.org] is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except New Year’s Day, Christmas Day and Thanksgiving Day.
There is a wide array of regions frequented by the Mission Trails Resident Birdwatchers like the Oak Grove Loop Trail near Lake Murray. Since lakes are a big attraction for attracting birds don’t miss an outing at Oak Grove Loop.
The best time of year for birding locally is in the winter when many migratory species can be found.
Bring binoculars and/or a field guide, if you have them. Wear sturdy, closed-toe shoes, and bring along water. A hat and sunscreen are also recommended. Walks are canceled if raining.
Upcoming Walks: These entries were updated in March 2017
March 18 – Lake Murray. Meet on the north side of the lake by Murray Park Dr. and Belle Glade Ave. and park in the dirt lot by the ball fields.
April 15 – Old Mission Dam. Meet in the Old Mission Dam parking lot.
May 20 – Visitor Center Loop. Meet in front of the Visitor Center.