Locals and visitors alike never tire of exploring San Diego’s faavorite antique district picturesquely located in the seaside community of Ocean Beach. The Ocean Beach Antique District encompasses the 4800 and 4900 blocks of Newport Avenue at Sunset Cliffs Boulevard in Ocean Beach. Most stores are open daily from 10 a.m. 6 p.m. and are ideally intermingled amongst cute little restaurants and micro breweries and even an authentic winery. So plan to make this a shopping spree and dining destination at this easy-to-get-to seaside community (see map at the bottom of this review).
Definitely visit Vignettes-Antiques & Collectibles at 4828 Newport Avenue 9619-222-9244) and infonormation@vignettesdecor.com. Since 1995, the owner has offered endless inspiration to french inspired antiques. She creates refresning displays of period antiques making them almost come to life. Being located closest to Sunset Cliffs Avnue, this antique store should be your first destination. So, park your car diagonally on the street and after visiting this antiqque store, walk westward towards the ocean to discover the rest of the antique stores on this three lblock long street.
With lots of antique dealers worthy of discovering, you can spend an entire day here browsing, shopping and dining. So, why not plan to make this a days visit as Ocean Beach has much to offer, including 75 recommended restaurants, several micro breweries and brew pubs as well as the longest fishing pier on the West Coast. Be sure to read the Ocean Beach chapter online.
Down Newport Avenue towards the ocean is The Ocean Beach Antique Mall/Empire Enterprises Antiques at 4926 Newport Ave. (619-223-6170) [antiquesinsandiego.com] [antiquesinsandiego@cox.net}. It’s open daily 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m. daily. The Ocean Beach Antique Mall/Empire Enterprises Antiques is the oldest and most respected Antique Mall for collectibles antiques in Ocean Beach. They offer over nearly years of experience in offering unique antiques and collectibles to the discriminating collector. They have been the recipient of many Best of San Diego awards. So, without a doubt, this is one store not to miss when discovering the best of the best in Ocean Beach’s famous antique district. Featured items include vintage and estate gold, silver and costume jewelry, sterling flat and hollow-ware, clocks and watches, American artifacts, doll houses, art pottery, sports memorabilia, ivory and more.
If you need a break from antiquing, stop in at Culture Brewing Co, at 4845 Newport Ave., a popular brewery that showcases local artists on their walls. it’s across the street from the . If you prefer to sample good wines then just across the parking lot from Newport Avenue Antique Center and Coffee House is the Gianni Buonomo Vintners Winery and Tasting Room (9) 4836 Newport Ave. (608-212-8551) [gbvintners.com]. The winery is open Wednesday through Sunday.
With so much to offer, it’s no wonder that the Ocean Beach Antique District has become such an enjoyable place to shop, dine, drink wine or micro brews at local spots in the picturesque beach town of Ocean Beach. Adding to the charm of Ocean Beach is that cars are parked diagonally along its main shopping district giving Ocean Beach a nostalgic feeling. Come and enjoy a slice of San Diego at its best.
The other notable antique districts in the central area of San Diego can be found along Adams Avenue Antiques near the corner of 30th Street along Adams Avenue. Further east in historic La Mesa Village is the La Mesa Antique Village (619-303-5811) at 8030 La Mesa Blvd. La Mesa, Ca 91942. There is a lot going on here with their annual La Mesa City wide Oktoberfest, Christmas in the Village and ongoing 50’s Car Shows.
La Mesa is a charming small town resting at the foot of Mount Helix and it continues to display a charming appeal, which you should not miss. See the La Mesa Chapter.